Nikolai Vasilchuk2014-02-18 11:16:39
Nikolai Vasilchuk, 2014-02-18 11:16:39

Arduino Starter Kit: how to choose?

Please tell me a good Starter Kit.
The main goal is to play around, feel, join the beautiful, understand whether I need it.
I want more completeness so that you can evaluate all the possibilities and not be limited to blinking LEDs.
Several different sets are available.
Maybe one big one.
You can explain to me that everything is decay and I don’t need an arduin, but it’s better to buy something else.
Thanks in advance.

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2 answer(s)
Alexei_Bolembah, 2014-02-18

From my own experience, I would advise you to come up with a project first. Something simple, but interesting, to your taste. At one time I started with a whale and a month later I realized that I didn’t need more than half of the details in it. In addition, it seems to me that it will be cheaper to order the parts separately. But that's just my opinion, of course.

Pavel Grudinkin, 2014-02-18

Maybe it will help

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