Vitaliy2018-10-17 10:52:04
Google Play
Vitaliy, 2018-10-17 10:52:04

Applications and digital signatures. Where is the clue?

If you build 2 applications on one computer in Android Studio, create your own key for each, sign it - can you eventually find something in common in the APK, except for standard libraries? When assembling an application, creating a digital key, signing, is some kind of system / hardware fingerprint created in the application?

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1 answer(s)
Roman Vasilenko, 2018-10-25

You are obviously misunderstanding the purpose of the key as a means of encryption.
This is not the case, and both builds with different keys will be almost identical - except for the signatures created based on your keys.

I'm sorry, I misunderstood the question.
If this is the same application that is built with different keys, it will generally be identical, except for the signatures. If these are different applications - well, yes, they will be common in terms of the composition of the libraries used.
I haven’t seen any marks specific to the assembly site, although I can’t give a 100% guarantee - it’s Google.

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