BlackPie2010-12-15 12:17:17
BlackPie, 2010-12-15 12:17:17

Apple device warranty?

there is such a question
if an ipod was bought in the usa, and I have a sensor breakdown here,
do I have any chances to fix it under warranty?
Well, you never know, maybe someone knows, on the iPod touch / iPhone on the sensor, a thin strip of the width of the entire screen appeared, where the sensor does not work, if it is given to the service, what does it promise for repair?
whole screen replacement? And how much will it cost offhand?

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4 answer(s)
stel, 2010-12-15

Apple provides a 1 year international warranty. So you can get it repaired under warranty.

ibn_Petr, 2010-12-15

It is impossible to repair under warranty in Russia
. This problem only promises to replace the display.
Since the price of the issue is not so low, there is a variant of a software solution (transferring the sensitive zone down exactly to the width of the “missing” strip)
here is one of the mods for expanding the settings of the device.
It will add a “Touch” or “Touch” menu, which shifts the sensitivity zone
. At one time, I encountered this problem on the first iPhone, I decided this way

lexeresser, 2010-12-15

They will make repairs in Russia, only the iphone is not repaired

kirilka, 2010-12-17

In the official service, under warranty (if it has not ended), the device will be replaced. You will definitely need a check. More details, with addresses of service
centers, in Russian - www.apple.com/ru/support/

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