Ryabos2017-02-03 08:02:24
Ryabos, 2017-02-03 08:02:24

Android-Apple development - not fiction?

Hello! I have almost no real work experience, but I observe that in freelance orders they require to write an application immediately for Android and iOS. There was an opinion that the path to freelancing is booked without knowledge of both platforms. But here I was listening to the Android DEV podcast with Denis Neklyudov, and more than once I was surprised that the hosts, sometimes discussing Apple features, disown them themselves, like, they are not strong in iOS, they wrote almost nothing for it and can’t tell anything.
So how does it come out like this? If it was just a whim of freelance clients, it wouldn't be so common. And if it was a real trend, then all sorts of cool developers would certainly be in the subject.

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6 answer(s)
zooks, 2017-02-03

Freelancing is often a package offer. Naturally, there are few mnogostanochnikov in nature. Most likely, another person will make a version for another system. And you need to keep in mind that you can always offer only a performance for a specific OS.

Vitaly, 2017-02-03

My selection algorithm is as follows:
- If cross-platform is a priority:
--- If native features are a priority - choose C++/Qt
--- If development speed is a priority - choose ReactNative
-Otherwise, we choose different tools for a specific task

Dmitry, 2017-02-03

Yes, I also meet this a lot ... But probably the only way out is to take an order and give it to another developer.
Although the job offers are adequate and specifically for Android development...

Puma Thailand, 2017-02-03

many people know how to work in pairs
quite a lot of people know how to write for both platforms and know a couple more languages ​​besides this, it's more a matter of time.

Adamos, 2017-02-03

The question is exactly how relevant the features of a particular platform are for the application.
Roughly speaking, if you are writing a mahjong-type toy that immediately launches in full screen and draws its entire interface itself, then it is enough to take, for example, Cocos-2dx and write on it what will then be assembled for any platform.
But if you need calls to phone or camera functions, an interface in the style of the rest of the system, payments via ApplePay, etc... then two separate applications will take less effort than trying to combine all the differences in one.

xmoonlight, 2017-02-03

Unity3D and Cordova/Phonegap can do it in principle.

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