Neron2017-01-25 20:37:30
Neron, 2017-01-25 20:37:30

After upgrading to Windows 10, another computer (Windows 7) cannot access it, why?

4 used computers at home (and a couple more living their lives gathering dust on a shelf): 2 workhorses (Win 7x64), 1 bed netbook (Win 7x32), 1 kitchen laptop (Win XP), the last two are replacements for TVs.
Updated one of the working computers to Win 10x64. Communication with the second working computer (Win 7x64) has not changed - from both computers you can go to each other and do anything (view, edit). But the netbook (Win 7x32) fell off - from working computers you can go to it with full access, but from a netbook to a working Win 10 - you can’t, it asks for a login / password, although it sees shared folders in the grid.
I don't understand what to do. Why did the netbook fall off, but the second working computer did not? Both work on the seven, albeit with different bitness.
Super challenge:
How else to make all this family friends with a laptop on Win XP (so that all computers have full access to all machines in the grid)? I didn’t try to do anything - I tried all the instructions from the Internet. At first it helped, but sooner or later the grid fell off (you can go to the laptop from other computers, but you can’t go from the laptop to others, although other computers are visible on the network).
Antivirus - Nano antivirus PRO, licensed. He also shamanized with him - rotten.
Maybe there is some kind of stray like Hamachi for popular Windows (XP, 7, 10), which can be installed on all computers and link them to a normal grid in one click?

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2 answer(s)
Nikolay Baranenko, 2017-01-25

if I understood correctly the balls, for example, type c$, you don’t see it, for this you need to find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ policies \ system branch
on the computer whose share you are trying to see
through regedit in the registry and add a new key to it “ LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy” (Right click -> New -> choose “DWORD Value (32bit)”)) and give it the value “1”. Works immediately, in some exceptional cases the AXIS requires a reboot.

res2001, 2017-01-25

For normal sharing to work, you need to:
1. On all computers (except XP), in the network control center "Change management of sharing settings", check that "File and Printer Sharing" and "Sharing with password protection" are enabled for current profile.
2. In XP, you need to allow public access in the firewall settings.
3. In order to not ask for a login / password when entering, you either need to have the same user with the same password on all computers, or add accounts of other computers in the credential manager on each computer (the first option is easier).
4. In XP, the credential manager is called through control userpasswords2
Normal, I mean the one that is not the "Homegroup".
And hamachi will not help, and it is not for this.

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