Vladimir2013-04-18 16:40:01
Vladimir, 2013-04-18 16:40:01

Zimbra OSS replacement?

A little disappointed in Zimbra OSS as a corporate mail server.
You need mail, Simple Project or Task Manager, with the ability to share tasks, Address Book, ideally access via LDAP, "Portfolio" Storage for documents or files with the ability to share to a group or person and the simplest version control.
Before the corporate mail server, I plan to install a mail gateway on exim with filters, virus checks, etc.
Who uses what with a similar set of functions?

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6 answer(s)
joneleth, 2013-04-21

You wouldn't lump everything together. A mail server is a mail server, a task manager is a task manager, and so on. Then there will be less disappointment.

mastini, 2013-04-18

Better Zimbra? there is nothing… only if paid google apps.

Anfinagen, 2013-04-19

What's wrong with Zimbra?

Alexander, 2013-04-19

Zimbra is the best solution at the moment... Have a
look at the plugins, maybe they will solve your needs.

Nikolai Turnaviotov, 2013-04-21

Hm. From options or Exchange + Lync + Sharepoint + Project, or Zimbra. You can also look at Office 365 and generally don’t suffer with all this, but monthly payments, we must consider - which will cost less ...

djhox, 2014-01-17

I don’t understand why you are not satisfied with the Portfolio in Zimbra? The only problem I've encountered is the inability to edit files at the same time, but otherwise Zimbra is perfect. I created a drive user, shared his portfolio with all other users, and set up the drive user portfolio on all computers by connecting via WEBDAV. As a result, users can work with files as if they were locally on the computer, and if not at the computer - there is always access to the briefcase remotely.

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