Miko2015-11-15 17:21:28
Mobile development
Miko, 2015-11-15 17:21:28

Your advice - Web or Mobile?

Good afternoon!
Thank you for reading this scribble and maybe you will find time to write an answer.
Actually the situation.
Knowledge : rotten more than 10 years ago Basic/C/Pascal, new flourishing-smelling HTML+CSS.
Interests and motivation: 60% for development for wearable devices, 40% for the web (fullstack). Since I am already relatively old (31 years old, and where do I go in general? ..), I want to "join the stream" as soon as possible, so I think more about the web. Again, the beginning in the form of html has already been made. But it remains to be seen if it's faster there ... Bootstrap, JS, Angular, Node.js, SQL. Too much ... In mobile development, it seems to me, everything is somewhat simpler - Java, Android SDK, SQL and everything (although for some reason C ++ is constantly mentioned in vacancies. NDK? Everywhere? Don't understand
! ) positions in development, at least semi-junior + parallel freelance. Medium-term - work in a game development company or an online startup.
The main question of life, the Universe and all that: Where should a noobprogrammer go?

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6 answer(s)
Oleg Gamega, 2015-11-15

is simpler than adroid (this is not a minus for the apple platform, a large stack of devices, platforms and other factors make development for android a little longer) the demand is high, there are still not enough specialists

s0ci0pat, 2015-11-15

On the Web, the entry threshold is lower.

urmi tilek uulu, 2015-11-17

Of course, each person finds different things interesting. Personally, I find mobile development interesting. I would not want to offend web developers with this, and therefore I write that, "it would be interesting for me." In addition, you have basic knowledge of "C". It will be easier to write on the NDK . If you work hard on Java, it will take about 3, 4 months. And then continue to slowly learn technology.

Dmitry, 2015-11-16

The question is interesting and relevant. I myself am now trying to switch from web to mobile ... :) I chose Android, because. a lot of devices on it, I wanted to buy a poppy, but then changed my mind for some reason :)
And salaries in mobile are average 70-100 thousand. This pleases ... Although system programming and C ++ are still interesting now. I think maybe compatible with Android?

Arseniy, 2015-11-16

In a large it-firm junior web - a developer. It is desirable that with blackjack, agile and ... you understand. The best way to develop is to learn from more experienced colleagues. Code review, which is practiced in large teams, is a very good way to learn from your own mistakes.
I wrote about the web, because there are more available vacancies (at least in our city), with suitable requirements, on the web.

Egor Kazantsev, 2015-11-19

web.....mobile..... SEX!!!!

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