Flaker2014-06-07 19:21:54
Flaker, 2014-06-07 19:21:54

(Yii2) Is using Bootstrap justified in simple templates?

For some reason, Yii2 Bootstrap is embedded very deeply, so cutting it out, IMHO, can be very painful. ( Although, maybe I'm wrong? )
So, is it worth learning and using Bootstrap if I'm going to work with Yii2 ?
At the moment I'm going to make a simple template, which I'll do with pure CSS / HTML in 3 hours, and with Bootstrap , I think I'll deal with it for several days, will it be easier to maintain and develop with Bootstrap in the future?

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3 answer(s)
Alexander Makarov, 2014-06-07

Bootstrap is not implemented in Yii2 at all. It's just that the framework has everything to work with it, and this is used in the default templates.
Here, for example, is my template to work without bootstrap: rmcreative.ru/blog/post/yii2-minimal
Well, in general, bootstrap is nice.

goodknight, 2014-06-07

It is hard and difficult to cut out its default styles and other nasty things from BS.
From the same Zurb Foundation 5 or Semantics UI is much easier.
But it's easier, IMHO.

phpnt, 2015-04-15

Learn bootstrap, these are easy examples , although you can not use it at all bootstrap connection in yii

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