Dmitry Kim2016-04-21 14:03:13
Dmitry Kim, 2016-04-21 14:03:13

YII2 and pjax. How to update one pjax after another is running?

The page has a Listvew wrapped in Pjax[id = list-pjax] .
There is also a modal window Modal[id = my-modal] , inside which there is a form wrapped in another Pjax[id=form-pjax] .
It also has the following javascript:

$('#form-pjax').on('pjax:end', function(){

I open the chrome debugger, pull the form, it works, the data is sent to the server, the server accepts it and everything works fine (phpstorm + xdebug), but Listview-pjax is updated from the browser cache. How to force it to be updated from the server?
PS: if you put disablecache in the network tab of the chrome developer panel, then everything works without problems.

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2 answer(s)
matperez, 2016-04-21

Try this: $.pjax.reload('#list-pjax', {cache: false});

LAV45, 2016-04-22

Try to use in place Pjax , AjaxCreate
This widget just helps to work with small forms in a modal window. After the form has successfully saved, it reloads its container.
The only thing you have to change is Widget::$autoIdPrefix = 'x';because the id of some blocks in the modal window may overlap with those that are already on the page and js will not always work correctly.

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