Nina Pykhtina2018-03-29 16:29:30
Google Maps
Nina Pykhtina, 2018-03-29 16:29:30

WOOCOMMERCE How to calculate the cost of delivery in the city and outside the city (with price per km)?

Friends! I have already racked my brains and rummaged through a cloud of plug-ins, but I can’t come up with a normal solution to the following question:
The bottom line is that it is necessary to implement the choice of delivery within the Moscow Ring Road (fixed amount) + delivery outside the Moscow Ring Road (+10 R for each km from the Moscow Ring Road) .
I tried this plugin and this one , but they don't work for me for some reason. I admit that due to the fact that in the zones I have only Russia (there is simply no choice of city). I don't know how to add them.
Is there any plugin that can solve this problem? Firstly, with zones, and secondly, with the calculation of the cost per km.
PS Now I'm using the Saphali plugin to remove fields. I know that there are other easier ways to do this, but the site assumes a lot of delivery methods in the future, including mail, pickup, etc., and therefore this plugin is necessary to configure the fields for each specific delivery method .

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3 answer(s)
David Petrov, 2020-05-25

Try Mapbox, you need to register there and get an API key

Maxim Martirosov, 2020-11-20

Try this plugin

kolsa, 2021-10-10

Here is a working solution - https://savinskaya.ru/cart/ Just add the product to the cart to see. Write to [email protected] - I'll tell you how to install

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