Chamomile2020-08-07 15:03:42
Chamomile, 2020-08-07 15:03:42

Won't the new release of Ubuntu beat Lenovo's bios like it used to?

I decided to put myself Ubuntu parallel to Windows. I rummaged through the Internet, read about it (the system), came across a Wiki article and was horrified: "In October 2017, Canonical withdrew the Ubuntu 17.10 distribution kit and removed the download link from the site, because it contained an installer error, as a result of which the BIOS was damaged in some Lenovo and Acer laptop models[8]. The full list of affected models is currently being finalized and updated.[9] A critical bug[10] in Lenovo and Toshiba laptops has been fixed in Lubuntu 17.10.1." https://ru.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lubuntu...

I just have Lenovo! But what if the fresh Ubuntu somehow hits the Lenovs? Lenovtsy comrades who have Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS, respond! Well now Ubuntu is friends with our laptops? What laptop model do you have? Are there friends who have Lenovo Legion and the latest Ubuntu?

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3 answer(s)
res2001, 2020-08-07

Stands on Lenovo Z510 Ubuntu since version 18.04. For several years now, the flight has been normal. Didn't know about the error. Maybe that's why the "flight is normal" :-)

griggorii, 2020-08-07

It depends on what you put and the efi partition is the first to 80 megabytes, create the distribution kit yourself, which they will not write about in yellow articles, but modestly know https://github.com/Griggorii/Linux_OS20.04_V3_X64_...

SOTVM, 2020-08-07

Do you have the option to update right now?
Is it for you that solves some kind of security problem?
if you want to experiment - go ahead with the rake)))
fresh grub, yes it breaks https://habr.com/en/post/513392/
I don’t have a laptop or a gento though (I read an article that breaks not only ufi ,
whoever is lucky with the hardware)))
put a clean system, and from the backup of the old one, copy-paste configs with handles,
some are useful / needed, some are just unnecessary garbage.
this is linux wei)))
set it up once and forgot it for five years.
at whom, configs live longer?

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