winbows2019-01-30 15:12:19
winbows, 2019-01-30 15:12:19

Wireless mouse cursor speed is too high, how to fix it?

Good day.
I have such a problem, the speed of moving on a wireless mouse is too fast, I checked all the settings, changed the OS, I’m thinking why, I decided to cut off the reasons, I inserted a wireless mouse into another laptop, and it’s also very fast on it, how to be? I changed the inputs of usb ports, batteries, cleaned the mouse itself. I have a second mouse, wireless, the cursor works almost at the standard speed of movement, but the same, a little faster, I inserted a wired regular mouse, and everything works like with a standard mouse speed.
I noticed this nonsense with speed when, when loading a shooter, something happened to my "sensa"
1. How to "fix" the speed on a wireless mouse?
2. How to make the cursor move at a standard speed in windows (I tried all methods, up to using the registry with cursor acceleration settings
) "broken" wireless mouse, the speed is like formula 1, but on the touchpad it is slow, I repeat that I tried ALL settings, including the windows registry)
Thank you in advance for your answers, even simple guesses will help. ;-)

Сама мышь, которая "сломана" , беспроводная IMG-20190130-150312.jpg

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2 answer(s)
Alexander, 2019-02-10

Maybe there is a DPI switch?

winbows, 2019-03-01


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