L1nw0od2021-02-07 15:03:50
L1nw0od, 2021-02-07 15:03:50

Will the poppy get warm with add. 2/4k monitor?

Hello everyone, I use macbook pro 13 mwp42. But I want to purchase an additional 34-inch screen for ease of use.
But I'm afraid that there will be problems and the poppy will not stand it (
A friend has a poppy 16 - and he has 27 d / yms 4k - and the poppy makes noise, horror does not withstand + lags.
Who uses an additional monitor for poppies? Tell me what do you think about this?

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3 answer(s)
Dmitry Roo, 2021-02-07

Your friend has a problem with something else.
There should be no problems with an external monitor (unless, of course, you will play games on it).

lamer350, 2021-02-07

A friend has a poppy 16

The poppy itself came out hot, in my stock, without doing anything, the temperature on the processor was at least 50 degrees, when it was ~ 37 in MBP 15 2016, because the coolers on the MBP start from the slightest load)
And for example, phpStorm heats up to 75 easily and the speed is already starting to rise, and when you connect the monitor, a discrete one will also turn on, which gives a minimum of + 10 degrees ...
Will the poppy get warm with add. 2/4k monitor?

Definitely will. But for your model, this is about +10-15 degrees, and the coolers start working around 70. In theory, in simple work, you should have 60 degrees.
Here's the math.

Pavel Shvedov, 2021-02-07

I use a 27" 4k monitor via DisplayPort with my 16-inch poppy, you can only work normally in the so-called clamshell mode, that is, when the lid is closed and the external monitor is used as the only main display, with the lid open it starts to stomp, like it's some kind of then the trouble is with 16-inch firmware, with an open lid and an external monitor, the video adapter starts to consume electricity to the maximum, even in idle time, from which it heats up even on an empty desktop, and starts to howl, close the lid - everything immediately stabilizes, as with 13 inches will xs.

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