Sergey Pashkevich2018-07-30 12:39:33
Law in IT
Sergey Pashkevich, 2018-07-30 12:39:33

Will the blocking of traffic from Europe by ip remove the obligation under the GDPR?

The project is not ready to enter the EU market (but it is planned), can we just block access by ip for citizens from European countries so as not to fall under the GDPR.
The site has an English version to show partners from Europe.
If users access through proxy servers of other countries, will this correspond to legal access to the site and will we fall under the GDPR if an EU citizen accesses our site using a proxy?
Large companies manage this way too: Blocking 500 Million Users Is Easier Than Complyin...

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2 answer(s)
Doc44, 2018-07-30

If you don't have a business in Europe, then you don't care.
By IP - unreliable.
Now there are a lot of VPN lovers, EU citizens can come to other countries.
Only explicitly ask and save in the profile - "you are not an EU citizen, yes or no."

Andrey Nikolaevich, 2018-07-30


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