Dmitry2015-11-03 02:02:19
User interface
Dmitry, 2015-11-03 02:02:19

Will a site without a menu be convenient?

Good day, dear experts.
In the black box (in my head) there is a portfolio site, there is a desire to keep it very simple. I sketched an approximate structure.
To the point: The main page is the "portfolio" page, the "about us" page is made as one of the works (presentation), and the contacts are in the footer of each page. From here, the idea crept in to remove the standard menu altogether, navigation appears only on internal pages, these are: The "home" button, next. and before. work, and the contacts button (when pressed, it will transfer to the footer of the page).
But painfully tormented by doubts, will people get confused and look for a menu? Or maybe there are other downsides to this idea.
I would be very grateful for advice. All the best =)

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5 answer(s)
Daria Evgenievna, 2015-11-20

Don't forget the simple rule: design solves the problem.
If your task is clearly clear to you, and there is no need for a menu to solve it, then do not do it. The menu, by the way, also solves the problem. If your design does not have a problem that requires a menu as a solution, then why should it? Cut off the excess.

Saboteur, 2015-11-03

idea is nothing, implementation is everything.
There are many business card sites, presentation sites that do not need menu functionality, and they are beautifully done.

Victor Bo, 2015-11-03

If (according to your layout) the site will not scroll down very much, then there is no need for a menu.
On the other hand, if "logo" - 1st screen, "work" - 2nd screen, "contacts" (they often add fields "leave a message") - 3rd, then it is desirable to make scroll navigation

Stopy, 2015-11-03

A normal idea, they won’t get lost, because there are a lot of pictures and little text. In general, I have seen sites with menus on which the devil will break his leg, so it rather depends on the presentation

Avrong, 2015-11-03

Looking at your performance. I think if the execution is good, then the site will turn out great even without a menu :)

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