Agent_Smith2012-09-14 21:36:16
Computer networks
Agent_Smith, 2012-09-14 21:36:16

Wi-Fi router for a big house?

Such a situation, he moved to a country house and faced the problem of organizing a home network.
The Internet enters the house using such a device: Greenpacket DX 230 (WiMAX, Wi-Fi router) . It is necessary to make sure that the Internet works on all 3 floors + on the site. I don't know how to do it.
It is impossible to lay cables between rooms, because. the house is removable and it is impossible to drill walls and remove plinths, only an “air” solution is needed.

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8 answer(s)
Laroy, 2012-09-14

Ubiquiti Power APN (http://www.dreamwifi.ru/consumer/powerapn) or UniFi (http://www.dreamwifi.ru/node/301)

windofchange, 2012-09-14

Apple AirPort Extreme , 300kV+ home coverage is excellent, there is N standard and 5Ghz

Sergey, 2012-09-15

Three to four APs in WDS mode.

First Last, 2012-09-15

D-Link DIR-615

rich, 2012-09-14

As an option, WiFi signal amplifiers can be tried. I have one .

appplemac, 2012-09-15

We have a Ubiquiti PicoStation M2-HP in our suburban area, more than enough for 300m2.

Ololot, 2018-09-21

I don’t have an answer, but a question))
At home I have a D link router , with a heavy load it breaks the connection. What could be the reason?

Artem Andrushko, 2020-04-06

Now there are a lot of options for mesh networks and a simple solution is tenda mw3. You can take two points, they can raise their channel between themselves, or you can connect each one by wire. You can expand even through the same points, they themselves choose which of the nearest points to use. Roaming is supported, automatic switching between 2.4 and 5 GHz. Everything is perfectly controlled from a smartphone, even outside the home.

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