antonstolar2019-08-14 19:28:44
antonstolar, 2019-08-14 19:28:44

Why such an error in the code?

A few days later, an interview for the vacancy of a front-end developer. I have never worked as a programmer, so it will be an intern or junior front-end developer. For several months, I studied what is listed below. Advise what items besides the listed must still be studied. That is, those about which with a high degree of probability will be asked at the interview. But not much, no more than 5-7 pieces. Because in a few days I can no longer study qualitatively. And there are about a hundred more points not passed on learn.javascript.ru ... Especially a lot of points not passed from part 2 and part 3. Just IMHO the textbook is very large, probably if you print it it will be 1000 pages. If all three parts are studied, understood and remembered, then probably, according to the theory, knowledge of JS will be like that of a good middle, but then I try for the first job as an intern or junior, as they will already take ... Therefore, the opinion of those who have been interviewing for an intern or junior front-end developer for the next 3 years is of interest. What 5-7 points would you advise to study further?

PS On learn.javascript.ru there are paragraphs that describe in detail some methods, then you can not advise them because I studied all the most important and frequently used methods in javascript on other resources and in practice.

What I learned on learn.javascript.ru:

JavaScript Basics
2.1 Hello world!
2.3 Strict mode - "use strict"
2.4 Variables
2.5 Data types
2.7 Operators
2.8 Comparison operators
2.10 Conditional operators: if, '?'
2.11 Boolean operators
2.12 while and for loops
2.13 The "switch" construct
2.14 Functions
2.15 Function Expression and arrow functions

Code quality

Objects: basics
4.1 Objects
4.4 Object Methods, "this"
4.6 Constructors, Creating Objects with "new"

Data Types
5.2 Numbers
5.3 Strings
5.4 Arrays

Advanced Functions
6.1 Recursion and Stack
6.2 Residual Parameters and Extension Operator
6.3 Closure
6.4 Obsolete "var" Keyword
6.5 Global object
6.6. Function object, NFE
6.7 "new Function" syntax
6.8 Scheduling: setTimeout and setInterval

9.1 Class: basic syntax

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2 answer(s)
Martovitskiy, 2019-08-14

Practice is important. And if the list is missing:
5.5 Array methods
6.9 Decorators and call forwarding, call/apply
6.10 Binding context to a function
7.2 Properties - getters and setters
8 Prototypes, inheritance!!!
11 Promises, async/await
Closure, inheritance - here again to understand.
And just do as they say before death do not inhale. Either you know or you don't. There is no point in learning in a hurry, it is important to understand.

Northern Lights, 2019-08-14

Lol, all of the above is the basics of the language, a drop in the ocean.

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