Sergey Savostin2013-12-15 19:15:09
Sergey Savostin, 2013-12-15 19:15:09

Why is there so much spam on Toaster?

Actually a subject.
The administration, of course, actively deletes it, but it gets into RSS and clogs the feed.
Maybe it was not in vain that there was karma on Habré?
Maybe it's worth introducing a filter for new questions in subscriptions by min. rating level?

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6 answer(s)
konfetolog, 2013-12-15

Karma, filter, captcha ... then you can immediately close the toaster, what is there.

Petrusha Ukropov, 2013-12-15

You can limit the number of questions per hour, for example - 1

Tema Smirnov, 2013-12-15

I see the solution like this: Captcha, but not reCaptcha, but a new generation, as many sites do that have Joomla engine. If I'm not mistaken, mine is called Qaptcha. Just drag the slider to the right - the protection is of course primitive, but it will immediately scare away the bots.

VovanZ, 2013-12-16

The reporting option suggested by @TemaSM is my favorite.
Ideal - reports + karma. The question of who has more karma should be harder to report.

energetix_user, 2013-12-16

Found the best captcha ever. @TemaSM
And yes, there will be too many sources.

Alexey Grebenikov, 2013-12-16

I somehow struggled with this by loading the form after loading the page. not a single spam email in six months.

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