Glook2013-01-29 02:29:33
Glook, 2013-01-29 02:29:33

Why is the Twitter Bootstrap grid not 960px?

Actually the question is in the title. Why does bootstrap use a grid not 960 pixels , but incomprehensible 940?
And one more thing: the documentation talks about a standard grid of 12 columns, and immediately below is an example in which there are nine of these columns ! Am I missing something?

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5 answer(s)
Vyacheslav Slinko, 2013-01-29

960, 940 - what's the difference?
Nine columns because all the content is in block #9, and navigation on the left is in block #3.

Sergey, 2013-01-29
Protko @Fesor

1) the number of columns, as well as their size, you can safely change.

TheMengzor, 2013-01-29

There are 12 columns, because span1..span12. And the grid is 940 because it's actually 960, just 10+10 left+right padding :)

Glook, 2013-01-29

TheMengzor, Here is a screenshot for you where it is written about the default grid of 940 pixels with 9 columns

pavlushka, 2013-09-08

It is written above ... In your own example ... Standard 12 columns - 940 pixels ... For example, 767 pixels.

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