Alexey Kostyukhin2017-08-02 09:40:16
Solid State Drives
Alexey Kostyukhin, 2017-08-02 09:40:16

Why is the SSD disk temporarily not visible on a stationary computer?

Why does the SSD drive turn off at different intervals on a stationary computer and is no longer visible anywhere? The person works, works, and then BAM, the PC goes into reboot and the disk is not visible anywhere else. Neither on the PC nor in the BIOS until you distort the SATA cable, and sometimes you have to distort the RAM strips.
This happens in particular when working with very large EXCELL tables, or when reading from memory is very large.
When I put a regular HDD on the same slots, everything works fine.
SSD smarbuy

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1 answer(s)
Artem @Jump, 2017-08-02

It's hard to say exactly.
Most likely a bad SSD.
This is not uncommon for smarbuy drives - this is an ultra-budget SSD that cuts hard on everything.

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