Anatoly Teorsky2020-02-07 09:37:22
Anatoly Teorsky, 2020-02-07 09:37:22

Why is the event handler not being called?

Good afternoon.

The event handler registered in its module in the ../install/index.php file is not called

RegisterModuleDependences('sale', 'OnSaleOrderSaved', $this->MODULE_ID, '\\Yolo\\Bonus\\EventHandler', 'myFunction');

everything is OK here, he registered, I already did this with others)

Now in the file ../lib/Eventhandler.php
namespace Yolo\Bonus;
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/main/include/prolog_before.php');

$module_id = "yolo.bonus";

use Bitrix\Main;
use Bitrix\Main\Loader;
use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc;
use Bitrix\Main\Application;
use Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime;
use Yolo\Bonus;
use Yolo\Bonus\Core;
use Bitrix\Sale;
use Bitrix\Sale\Order;
use Bitrix\Sale\Basket;
use Bitrix\Sale\Delivery;
use Bitrix\Sale\PaySystem;
class EventHandler{
  public function OnSaleStatusOrder($order_id, $status_val){
  // ...	
  public function myFunction(\Bitrix\Main\Event $event)
    /** @var Order $order */
    $order = $event->getParameter("ENTITY");
    $oldValues = $event->getParameter("VALUES");
    $isNew = $event->getParameter("IS_NEW");

    if ($isNew)
        $sum = $order->getPrice();
        // . . . 

As a result, an error occurs:
Argument 1 passed to Yolo\Bonus\EventHandler::myFunction() must be an instance of Bitrix\Main\Event, instance of Bitrix\Sale\Order given (0)

As I understand it, the Bitrix\Sale\Order object is passed to the function and not Bitrix\Main\Event.

I have already connected everything that is possible, and still I don’t understand what’s wrong.
In fact, I just started writing the module and maybe I still don’t understand a lot of things, but everything seemed to be logical up to this point.
The documentation shows that Bitrix\Main\Event should be transmitted, but in fact Bitrix\Sale\Order is transmitted...

Please tell me.

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2 answer(s)
PetrPo, 2020-02-07

I had to blunt a little ...
If you register an event like this, your version will work ok

$eventManager = \Bitrix\Main\EventManager::getInstance();
$eventManager->registerEventHandler('sale', 'OnSaleOrderSaved', $this->MODULE_ID, '\\Yolo\\Bonus\\EventHandler', 'myFunction');

PS do not forget to delete your event from the database and clear the PPS cache
in the docks on the account of the \Bitrix\Main\Event $event object, everything is written correctly, just mixing the old and new api turned out)) The same garbage will turn out between AddEventHandler and $eventManager->addEventHandler

Andrey Nikolaev, 2020-02-07

First, such methods should be marked as static so as not to cause errors in php itself.
Secondly, there is a description of events - https://dev.1c-bitrix.ru/api_d7/bitrix/sale/events... which says that the event handler takes 3 parameters.

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