ambal2452021-12-31 15:53:03
ambal245, 2021-12-31 15:53:03

Why is the channel subscription check condition not working?

private function scanChannelUser($chat_id) {
$scan = json_decode($this->botApiQuery("getChatMember", ['chat_id' =>  $this->channel, 'user_id' => $chat_id]), true);
         if($scan['rusult']['status'] == 'left'){
             return false; 
         } else {
            return true;

I check participation with the code above. Then I send a message to the user
$this->sendMessage($user_id, $text, $buttons);
private function sendMessage($user_id, $text, $buttons = NULL) {
        if ($this->scanChannelUser($user_id) == true) {
            // готовим массив данных
            $data_send = [ 'chat_id' => $user_id,
                           'text' => $text,
                           'parse_mode' => 'html' ];
            // если переданны кнопки то добавляем их к сообщению
            if (!is_null($buttons) && is_array($buttons)) {
                $data_send['reply_markup'] = $this->buildInlineKeyBoard($buttons);
            // отправляем текстовое сообщение
            return $this->botApiQuery("sendMessage", $data_send);
        } else {
            // готовим кнопку на подписку
            $button[] = [$this->buildInlineKeyBoardButton('ПОДПИСАТЬСЯ', '', $this->subscribeLink)];
            // отправляем текстовое сообщение
            return $this->botApiQuery("sendMessage", [  'chat_id' => $user_id, 
                                                        'text' =>  $this->subscribeText,
                                                        'reply_markup' => $this->buildInlineKeyBoard($button)]);

And the subscription message is not being sent.

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