Developer2019-04-28 18:04:38
Developer, 2019-04-28 18:04:38

Why is neither Ubuntu nor Elementary OS installed on the laptop?

There is an HP Pavillion laptop, Intel i5, an nVidia GTX 1050 video card, the rest of the performance characteristics are probably not important.
The problem is this - it is on this laptop that no version of Ubuntu wants to be installed normally - I tried (both LTS and regular) 16.04, 16.10, 17.10, 18.04, and even ElementaryOs. All have one problem - after installing the system, it asks for a reboot. I press restart and it freezes for 5 minutes. Then it reboots and when the system starts, there are two options for the development of events - either it hangs at the moment when the logo is visible. Or the second option - shows the login window, enter the password - and that's it - hangs, only Wallpaper and the frozen mouse cursor are visible.
UPD: I also remembered that sometimes at startup you can choose Ubuntu options with a fix for problems. After fixing, the system boots up and can be used. Until the next reboot or shutdown.
At the same time, on the second exactly the same laptop, but Intel i7 - everything is installed and works great.
What could be the problem? Where to dig? How to treat?

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4 answer(s)
#, 2019-04-28

1 - how is it with UEFI? if it is possible to disable - worth a try
2 - if you are sure that

on the second exactly the same laptop, but Intel i7
that these are twin brothers, in everything except the processor, then there is a very likely clue. looking for the difference? in pm in bios settings

Ronald McDonald, 2019-04-28

Well, what did you want? Linux barely breathes even on desktops, and laptops are generally a lottery.
Try a non-Ubuntu-based distribution like Ferdora or openSUSE. It is impossible to give any other advice based on the information you have given.

cppjunkie, 2019-04-28

try to dig towards the video card, especially if the laptop is nvidia

MrG00dman, 2019-04-30

Kind. On HP Probook 4530s with i5 there was a similar problem, but related to the dual boot of two systems, and it doesn’t matter which ones. Don't put everything. The problem lay in bios, unfortunately the version was with the impossibility of rolling back lower, so I solved the issue by soldering and reprogramming to an earlier version.
See the HP site for new/old bios, and their notes on version changes.
It is best to choose just bod linux os.

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