Mikhail Kalinin2015-04-27 11:09:31
Distributed Computing
Mikhail Kalinin, 2015-04-27 11:09:31

Why is kremlin.ru so fast?

I was really surprised by the speed of the site. In general, the question is somewhat broader - how to achieve the same?

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3 answer(s)
Mokhirjon Naimov, 2015-04-27

I think it's just AJAX.
But the site was coolly developed, well, yours!
Conveniently understandable.
Technical information
The site implements the principle of navigation without reloading the page, supported by all modern browsers, which makes the site work smoother and speeds up navigation.
All images on the site are adapted for viewing on devices with normal and increased pixel density (retina). Graphical elements of the interface are presented as vector images (.svg) that do not lose clarity when scaled, and are duplicated in raster form (.png) for older versions of browsers.

Moreover, if you open the code, you can see the principle of the code on one line, that is, for fast page loading. Everything was done to the maximum, professionals!

Vlad Zhivotnev, 2015-04-27

Static pages (do not go to the database) + AJAX - that's the whole secret.
But if you look like that, then my usual WP does not load much longer - https://vlad.pro/.

napa3um, 2015-04-27


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