Alexander Nameless082019-05-20 11:52:35
Google Analytics
Alexander Nameless08, 2019-05-20 11:52:35

Why don't goals come to google analytics?

I don't often set goals for analytics. Last time I set it up quite a long time ago and the format was like this: But, as I understand it, they have already switched to gtag. And the question is the following, the actual goal in the analytics interface: But I want to launch it on click:
ga('send', 'event', 'категория', 'действие');

$('.js-book-quest-page-full-quest, .js-book-quest-page-schedule, #btnOrderUnderQuestFull').on('click', function(){ 
 		gtag('event', 'bookquesttime', { 'event_category': 'time', 'event_action': 'click', });

But she doesn't want to work. We waited for more than 24 hours, the goal does not come to the analytics. What could be wrong?

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2 answer(s)
Alexander Nameless08, 2019-05-20

In general, the whole point was that the values ​​​​of the goals were affixed to the account. These values ​​are the conditions for achieving the goal and must be indicated in the code on the site.

Roman, 2019-05-28

Do you have the 'bookquesttime' event "arriving"?
Most likely the problem is here, not in GA

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