ryzhak2015-08-10 14:01:43
ryzhak, 2015-08-10 14:01:43

Why doesn't translation work in views in yii2?

In general, there is a yii2 advanced application template.
i18n configured. The translations work correctly in the
file , that is, this line will honestly translate "Home" to "Home" for me, depending on the language . But in the frontend/views/site/index.php file, the translations DO NOT work. This line still returns "Home" to me when switching from the English version to the Russian version of common/config/main.php:frontend/views/layouts/main.php
<?= Yii::t('frontend', 'Home'); ?>
<?= Yii::t('frontend', 'Home'); ?>

return [
    'vendorPath' => dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/vendor',
    'components' => [
        'cache' => [
            'class' => 'yii\caching\FileCache',
        'i18n' => [
            'translations' => [
                'frontend*' => [
                    'class' => 'yii\i18n\PhpMessageSource',
                    'basePath' => '@common/messages',
                'backend*' => [
                    'class' => 'yii\i18n\PhpMessageSource',
                    'basePath' => '@common/messages',

Please tell me what could be wrong.
Thanks in advance

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