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Why doesn't the code take cookies?
Tell me what is wrong or what is missing, there is a system on the site - you put a tick in front of the ad and it is entered in cookies, and then you open a notepad in a new window and there is the ad in front of which there was a checkmark.
But after opening the ad window, it does not load there, and after refreshing the page, the label that there is an entry in the notepad disappears.
//// блокнот
function window_notepage()
var height_w=screen.height-250;
var left = (screen.width/2)-(650/2);
var top = (screen.height/2)-(height_w/2);'notepage.html','note_board','width=650,height='+height_w+',top='+top+',left='+left+',toolbar=0, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, copyhistory=no');
function add2note()
function str_replace(search, replace, subject) { return subject.split(search).join(replace);}
var button = document.getElementById('addnotepage');
var Link2Note = document.getElementById('Link2Note');
var count_note_message = 0;
var id = 731000;
var fid = 2;
value = fid+"i"+id+"s";
var cookies = getCookie("BoardNote");
if (cookies == undefined) cookies = "";
//проверяем, есть ли это объявление в куки блокнота?
if (!= -1)
//если есть, удаляем
value = str_replace(value,"",cookies); = 'url(img/check_icon_off.png)'; = '#aaaaaa'; = '#eeeeee';
button.title='Добавить в блокнот';
count_note_message = value.split("s").length - 1;
if (count_note_message>0) Link2Note.innerHTML = "<u>Блокнот ("+count_note_message+")</u>";
if (count_note_message<=0) Link2Note.innerHTML = "<u>Блокнот</u>";
//если нет, добавляем
value = cookies+value; = 'url(img/check_icon.png)'; = '#88ee88'; = '#eeffee';
button.title='Удалить из блокнота?';
count_note_message = value.split("s").length - 1;
if (count_note_message>0) Link2Note.innerHTML = "<u>Блокнот ("+count_note_message+")</u>";
setCookie("BoardNote", value, { expires: 3600*24*30, path: "/", domain: "" });
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