westdp2015-11-10 10:35:27
westdp, 2015-11-10 10:35:27

Why doesn't scroll down work?

Hi guys, I’ve been fucking for 3 days now and I can’t understand why the scroll down doesn’t work for me when I scroll the page to the end, that is, when the block rises, and as soon as we reach the highest point and turn the wheel in the opposite direction, i.e. down, he throws instantly down the page without scrolling.

Thanks for any help)

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2 answer(s)
Alexey, 2015-11-10

The fact is that scrolling does not occur, so this event
does not work.
I recommend another event.

Alexander Tokmakov, 2017-03-26

Hello. Maybe someone will help! Scrolling is not working for my wordpress site. The problem turned out to be the Easy FancyBox plugin. I deactivated it and activated it back. Scroll is now working. I did not understand the connection

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