khodos_dmitry2019-09-02 17:20:14
khodos_dmitry, 2019-09-02 17:20:14

Why doesn't phpstorm index laravel internals?

Created a project in Laravel. Empty.
I click on the str_random function (and others), writes:
"Cannot find declaration to go to".

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4 answer(s)
khodos_dmitry, 2019-09-05

Many folders have been excluded from indexing by default. If anyone knows why, please write in the comments.
Removed them from the "excluded" and the problem was solved.

Alexander Aksentiev, 2019-09-02


Konata Izumi, 2019-09-02

@deprecated Str::random() should be used directly instead. Will be removed in Laravel 6.0.
I'll translate if you don't understand.
Laravel version 6.0 will remove the str_random() global function. Use via the Str::random() helper.
In your case, it is not clear which version of Laravel you have and why the storm is not indexing.

Rustam Sadykov, 2019-09-03

Well, here it is possible that the storm itself did not index. Try demolishing the vendor folder and then composer update.
After that, the storm should re-index everything.

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