tyoma_koder2021-09-27 16:03:05
Apache Cordova
tyoma_koder, 2021-09-27 16:03:05

Why doesn't cordova-plugin-nativestorage work after project build?

Project on ionic and cordova.
I started the build with the cordova build android command, then I tried to run the application in the android emulator with the ionic cordova emulate android command, but I got an error from cordova-plugin-nativestorage
Then I opened the apk file in android studio, the application started, but when I tried to write something to native storage, an error occurred "plugin_not_installed".

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1 answer(s)
tyoma_koder, 2021-10-01

Everything was fixed after deleting all folders except src and resources and regenerating them via npm install and running the application

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