Viktor Pomokaev2020-08-29 23:21:39
Viktor Pomokaev, 2020-08-29 23:21:39

Why does the image freeze and the computer restarts after installing the video driver?

I reinstalled Windows, I’m sitting with a low resolution, then it suddenly becomes high (as I understand the driver is installed), it takes about five seconds, the image freezes and the computer reboots itself. when you turn it on for the second time, it also works for 30 seconds, then the same thing

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3 answer(s)
Yan, 2020-08-30

After reinstalling Windows, the axis loads the drivers from Microsoft .
See conflicting drivers
. Solution: go from safe mode, delete the video card drivers from to in the device manager.
Disable driver updates in Windows settings.
Reboot, download drivers from the manufacturer's website.
If it still loads firewood before installing its own firewood, the utility https://greatis.com/stopupdates10/
will help Cut down updates, install your own firewood,
Google “how to turn off automatic driver updates from the microsoft center”
There you can both through the settings and through the GP
Turn updates back on

Evgeny Zaletsky, 2020-08-29

Look in the event log to see what happened.

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