User992019-02-19 09:12:27
System administration
User99, 2019-02-19 09:12:27

Why does the hard drive stop working?

Question 1: The hard drive of the system unit is constantly dying.
1. Stands for a long time on the hardware configuration test at power on. Sometimes it can stay like this all day long
2. The system boots slowly
3. If it boots up, it works slowly, freezes.
Reinstalling, formatting, victoria does not help. I even replaced it with a new hard drive. Everything is the same, the sata cable was also replaced, even the PSU, everything is the same. what could be?
Question 2: There is a second system unit, it does not boot at all, that is, we turn it on, the cooler is working, but there is no signal on the monitor, it also blinks. there are no errors, no beeps.
changed the motherboard. Ur earned! But two days later it happened again. What could be? in turn, I installed the same RAM block, CPU, Power supply unit from the same working unit, everything is exactly the same. Apparently he burned the motherboard again? sin on bp

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4 answer(s)
hint000, 2019-02-19


quiz doesn't help
- Victoria helps to understand the reason, no one promised miraculous healing. If you know what SMART is on a hard drive, then look at what SMART gives out, and post it here - based on SMART, they will give you a lot of advice. If you do not know what it is and how to look, then first google it.
2. Write what kind of iron, at least approximately, and how old it is. And then all of a sudden you have motherboards, power supplies and disks that are 7-10 years old - then it would be natural that it all dies one after another.
When the iron was changed to a new one, it was actually new, i.e. from the shop?
3. Are the computers connected through normal network filters? (or better through a UPS (and even better a filter + UPS)) Have you noticed any obvious jambs with power (for example, the brightness of the lighting in the room changes)? Is it possible to measure the voltage in the socket with a multimeter? Write the brand and power of the PSU.
4. on the second system unit - when turned on, look at the disk activity indicator. If a few seconds after turning on the indicator starts to blink (and blinks like this, roughly speaking, for a minute), then the system is booting at this time, i.e. in general, the computer is alive, you just need to understand why there is no picture on the monitor.
If the disk indicator does not blink at all after turning on, then the computer is a corpse (60% is a problem with the motherboard, 30% is with the PSU, 10% is something else mysterious).

Nikolai, 2019-02-19

See SMART logs, operating system logs.

Artem @Jump, 2019-02-19

Question 1
It's not a fact that this is a disk at all. First of all, you need to look at SMART - without it there is no point in talking about a disk.
Question 2
You need either a diagnosis or a fortune teller.
That is, either you use diagnostics to identify a faulty component, or you turn to a fortuneteller for the same.

shiza88, 2019-02-19

+ to the post above, describe the configuration of the iron, now it often happens that they take Chinese PSUs with a 800WT sticker, and there, in fact, it does not give out 400.

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