ligisayan2018-11-29 13:32:17
ligisayan, 2018-11-29 13:32:17

Why does the geolocation plugin display a different city?

Hello! The wordpress site has the WT GeoTargeting geolocation plugin installed .
I write in code:

<span class="city">г. <?php echo do_shortcode('[wt_geotargeting get="city"]'); ?></span>

But, for some reason, the city of Novosibirsk is displayed instead of Vladivostok, where I am. What could be the reason and how to fix it?

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2 answer(s)
Rikcon, 2018-11-29

shows you correctly here?
UPD: better check here, ipgeobase.ru this plugin takes the base from here.

Vladimir Druzhaev, 2018-11-30

What could be the reason

The reason may be in your ip
It is tied to this city. Go through the Tor browser - it will show a completely different city.
All these city finders do not boast 100% accuracy.
But if you are accessing from a mobile phone and the site asks you for permission to give it geolocation data - and you do not refuse - then the accuracy will be high.

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