Outsider V.2015-03-12 00:25:19
Outsider V., 2015-03-12 00:25:19

Why does svchost load a laptop?

On a netbook with 2 GB of RAM, there is a seven x64. I notice this oddity: from time to time (usually once after each reboot, but not immediately) svchost.exe starts eating 600-900 MB of RAM and loading the hard drive wildly. At the same time, it either refers to some C: / Windows / Logs / CBS / ... or, the last time the picture was like this:
At the same time, the system hangs very seriously, because the RAM is almost completely clogged. This garbage continues for several minutes, then the memory is freed.
What could it be? The probability of a virus is practically excluded - pure Windows, it is only a week old, antiviruses are everywhere (both here and on the PC), everyone is silent.
How can I find out which service a given svchost belongs to? Maybe then it would be enough just to turn it off. I observe a similar situation when checking for Windows updates, but I have it disabled.

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4 answer(s)
IceJOKER, 2015-03-12

windows.microsoft.com/ru-ru/windows7/open-resource... - this program shows where the legs grow from this or that svchost and not only

386DX, 2015-03-12

Quite often this question arises in my own words.
svchost itself does not load anything, it starts the windows system services
. Several svchost processes are launched in the system, each of which, in turn, starts from 1 to 10 services.
Direct freezes are associated with the operation of these same services.
The service of archiving, indexing, the service of the built-in defender (antivirus) naturally loads the processor.
Another option is service errors associated with read-write errors, old libraries, the growth of log files to gigantic sizes, at which brakes begin, etc.
Actually, what to do, take process haker, look in the properties of svchost (RMB - services) AND (property> threats> cyclesdata-services) what services it starts and which service gives an error. Here is a similar (inaccurate) picture, if you "scroll" to the right, you will see a service that loads the processor;
if the service is not needed, then in the same PH you can turn it off. If it is necessary, and work is impossible without it, then fix the errors, update the libraries, reading along the way the solutions to problems with this service on the forums.
On your question, in the search they write about the suspicion of the update service
Which can be suspended, running in manual mode or clean up bad files.
UPD PH naturally runs under admin

Winner_DE, 2015-03-12

No antivirus?
PS Turn off the Windows update and you will be happy, if it doesn’t help, then this indexing service is playing tricks on it.

ranebull, 2015-03-12

On a netbook with 2 GB of RAM, there is a seven x64

Why use Win x64 with so much RAM?

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