DoubleWish2013-12-15 00:20:25
DoubleWish, 2013-12-15 00:20:25

Why do regular galleries stop working in Joomla 2.5 after installing Iprice caclculator light?

Hello everyone, there was already a question, but I found the root of the problem, and it lies precisely in another extension. Why they conflict - I can not understand. In general, there is iprice calculator light and Admiror Gallery (and even any other extension), when you install the first one, all the possibilities to install admiror gallery (and any other one too) flies. And the problem is that Iprice CL cannot be removed, it helps to simplify too much, but what to do with the gallery then?

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3 answer(s)
maxaon, 2013-12-15

First, check out the error log, both PHP and Joomla..

Zuevec, 2013-12-15

Most likely the script is connected twice, look at the source code in HEAD

bahek2462774, 2013-12-15

open the console in chrome (or in any browser on chromium) (ctrl+shift+j) and see the error output in the console.
most likely, as @Zuevec says - somewhere the script is connected twice, usually applications like to connect each of their jQuery - that's where all the problems happen.

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