marataziat2016-07-21 17:42:46
marataziat, 2016-07-21 17:42:46

Why do I get ???? mesto krakozyabr?

I wrote a simple script to display data from a table:

// Подключение к базе: где $hostname - сервер, $username - имя юзера БД,
   // $password - пароль юзера, $basename - имя базы с которой мы будем работать
   $hostname = 'localhost';
   $username = 'root';
   $passwordname = 'root';
   $basename = 'codebooks';
   $conn = new mysqli($hostname, $username, $passwordname, $basename) or die       ('Невозможно открыть базу');
   // Формируем запрос из таблицы с именем blog
   $sql = "SELECT * FROM `books`";
   $result = $conn->query($sql); 
   // В цикле перебираем все записи таблицы и выводим их
   while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
       // Оператором echo выводим на экран поля таблицы name_blog и text_blog
       echo 'Название блога: '.$row['description'];
       echo 'Текст блога: '.$row['title'];

It is necessary for me that the text from the table was
deduced: but it is deduced:
a3e7d5a3240e4acd8a004fb45334979b.png??????? output??? I need at least krakozyabry :)
here is the structure of the table:

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3 answer(s)
Melkij, 2016-07-21

set names - the solution is wrong, which even deserves a separate page in the manual: php.net/manual/en/mysqlinfo.concepts.charset.php
The solution is correct:

marataziat, 2016-07-21

so far the same

Michael, 2016-07-21

I always knew:
- if you see the "text", then everything is fine;
- if you see "krakozyabry", then you will have to spend time solving the problem;
- if you see "????????????", then the encoding came full f*ck :)
If in essence. Try playing with iconv and mb_detect_encoding .

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