Sergey2017-09-28 07:26:14
Sergey, 2017-09-28 07:26:14

Why did the "indexing options" stop opening in win7, is it possible to fix or start indexing differently?

Hello. In a domain on a machine with win7 pro x64, mail search stopped working. The decision was made to rebuild the indexes. But in the control panel, the corresponding element does not start. It is there, you can click on it, and after that the corresponding process will even appear in the task manager on behalf of the user and with the correct command line (C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL C:\Windows\System32\srchadmin.dll) . The WindowsSearch service is up and running. Restarting it doesn't work. Running "C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe" C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL C:\Windows\System32\srchadmin.dll both as a user and as an administrator does not work - hangs, nothing does not appear, the process in the dispatcher originates from the corresponding user. Google advised to give full rights to the user on "c$\ProgramData\Microsoft\Search" - it did not help. It is noticed that the situation manifests itself in all users who have a profile on the specified PC. That is, if a person logs in for the first time, indexing can be started, the numbers change, the parameters are available. Upon re-entry (tried after reboot) - everything is like everyone else and no response. SFC /SCANNOW does not find system file corruption. The problem is only on one PC, there is nothing outstanding in the configuration and role; installed KES10 does not find anything. The HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\WSearch registry values ​​are the same on the affected PC and other PCs. Is it possible to do something without reinstalling the system (restore points are not practiced here)? Or maybe

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1 answer(s)
Alexander Slyzhuk, 2017-09-28

I had such a story. Campaign in outlook there are restrictions on indexing. The search only found emails up to a certain date. I also checked the disk for errors - fixed it. Disabling mail indexing helped, but the search time increased - but at least the search began to work.
What helped, I don't know.

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