GeekFromUa2014-10-17 19:40:25
GeekFromUa, 2014-10-17 19:40:25

Why can't I log in VK from the server?

I'm trying to log in to VKontakte (in the Standalone application) using the Python vk library via the sh console.

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3 answer(s)
GeekFromUa, 2014-10-18

Sorry, I'm learning....
Get a token:
Well, log in:

import vk
vkapi = vk.API(access_token='access_token')

Everything worked on the local machine, the received token is bound to IP

alternativshik, 2014-10-18

I haven't seen anything like this yet, that they posted the text of errors with a screenshot of a piece of the screen ...
Post the full trace and your code, telepaths are on vacation!

Ilya, 2014-10-19

The token is not bound to an IP. A token is a token, simply for authorizing an application that is currently running.
Here, for example, is my code for automatically uploading YouTube videos to a group.

vkapi = vk.API(access_token='здесь_токен')

def upload_video_vk(url, title, description):
    """Функция добавления видео с youtube(без загрузки)
       на стену группы."""
    # Добавляем видео в группу, но загрузка ещё не произошла
    video1 = vkapi.video.save(group_id='77097637', link=url, wallpost=1, name=title, 
    # Видео еще не загрузилось, оно только приготовилось, 
    # а для загрузки надо открыть урл из video.
    attach = 'video%s_%s' % (video1['owner_id'], video1['video_id'])
    # Публикуем видео на стене группы(from_group=1)
    post_group = vkapi.wall.post(owner_id='здесь_ID_группы_с минусом_впереди',
              from_group=1, message=description, attachments=attach)
    # И возвращает ID поста
    return post_group['post_id']

# Теперь загрузим
video_title = 'Название'
video_url = 'ссылка на видео на ютубе'
video_on_vk = upload_video_vk(video_url, video_title, video_description)

This is just an example. I take all the information from the database of the site.

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