Kairr2022-01-26 10:53:27
Kairr, 2022-01-26 10:53:27

Why can't I complete the lead?

In the list of leads, it is in the view mode as a list that it is not possible to complete the lead (if in kanban mode it is transferred to a "low-quality lead", then it works).
Nothing happens when pressed. I experimented with the rights, it turned out that only the administrator can do this. Although I don’t see the difference, if the user can complete the lead in kanban, then why not in list mode.
The same problem if you open the lead card and select the "Finish lead processing" stage.

Tell me, what could be the problem?

UPD 1:
Screenshot of user rights

UPD 2:
Gave rights to add in one transaction and it worked

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2 answer(s)
Vyacheslav Zhgilev, 2022-01-26

Show a screenshot of the rights of the user on which the problem occurs
Must work not only under the administrator

Dmitry Litvinchuk, 2022-01-29

So your rights are not configured correctly. The person responsible for the Lead is most likely the admin, and now you are trying to move the Lead from another employee. In the rights to Change Leads, this role does not have rights even for its own Leads.

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