boberskyibohdan2018-03-26 11:17:24
boberskyibohdan, 2018-03-26 11:17:24

Why are 3 pictures displayed instead of 4?

The isotope plugin ( https://isotope.metafizzy.co/ ) does not work correctly on the page: bad-studio.pl/realizacje . Instead of 3 pictures per line, there should be 4. What could be the problem?


$.fn.imagesLoaded = function(callback){
  var elems = this.filter('img'),
  len   = elems.length,
  blank = "";
    if (--len <= 0 && this.src !== blank){ 
     // cached images don't fire load sometimes, so we reset src.
     if (this.complete || this.complete === undefined){
      var src = this.src;
        // webkit hack from http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-dev/browse_thread/thread/eee6ab7b2da50e1f
        // data uri bypasses webkit log warning (thx doug jones)
        this.src = blank;
        this.src = src;

  return this;

$isotope_container = $(".realize-items");
var  $grid = $('#isotope-items').isotope({
  itemSelector: '.isotope-item',
  sortBy : 'original-order',
  masonry: {
    columnWidth: window.innerWidth / 4,
    rowHeight: 480, 
    isFitWidth: true


$( window ).resize(function() {
  if ( window.innerWidth < 1441 && window.innerWidth > 1370) {
   $grid = $('#isotope-items').isotope({
     itemSelector: '.isotope-item',
     masonry: {
      columnWidth:  window.innerWidth / 4,
      rowHeight: 400, 
      isFitWidth: true
 if ( window.innerWidth < 1371 &&  window.innerWidth > 1040) {
   $grid = $('#isotope-items').isotope({
     itemSelector: '.isotope-item',
     masonry: {
      columnWidth:  window.innerWidth / 3,
      rowHeight: 400, 
      isFitWidth: true
 if ( window.innerWidth < 1041 &&  window.innerWidth > 740) {
   $grid = $('#isotope-items').isotope({
     itemSelector: '.isotope-item',
     masonry: {
      columnWidth: window.innerWidth / 2,
      rowHeight: 400, 
      isFitWidth: true
 if ( window.innerWidth < 740) {
   $grid = $('#isotope-items').isotope({
     itemSelector: '.isotope-item',
     masonry: {
      columnWidth: window.innerWidth ,
      rowHeight: 400, 
      isFitWidth: true

if ( window.innerWidth < 1441 &&  window.innerWidth > 1370) {
 $grid = $('#isotope-items').isotope({
   itemSelector: '.isotope-item',
   masonry: {
    columnWidth: $isotope_container.width() / 4,
    rowHeight: 400, 
    isFitWidth: true
if ( window.innerWidth < 1371 &&  window.innerWidth > 1040) {
 $grid = $('#isotope-items').isotope({
   itemSelector: '.isotope-item',
   masonry: {
    columnWidth: $isotope_container.width() / 3,
    rowHeight: 400, 
    isFitWidth: true 
if ( window.innerWidth < 1041 &&  window.innerWidth > 740) {
 $grid = $('#isotope-items').isotope({
   itemSelector: '.isotope-item',
   masonry: {
    columnWidth: $isotope_container.width() / 2,
    rowHeight: 400, 
    isFitWidth: true

if ( window.innerWidth < 740) {
 $grid = $('#isotope-items').isotope({
   itemSelector: '.isotope-item',
   masonry: {
    columnWidth: $isotope_container.width() ,
    rowHeight: 400, 
    isFitWidth: true

$isogrid = $grid;

$('#isotope-filter').on( 'click', '.realize-category__item', function() {
  var filterValue = $( this ).attr('data-filter');
  $grid.isotope({ filter: filterValue });
  $('#isotope-filter .realize-category__item').removeClass('active');
  $( this ).addClass('active');
  return false;


$(".realize-items .ri-btn").click(function(e){
  var $those = $(this);
  $that = $(".realize-category__item.active");
  var id = $that.attr("data-reid");
  var all_start_array = {};
  if(id == "all"){
      if($(this).attr("data-reid") != "all"){
        all_start_array[$(this).attr("data-gallerytitle")] = $(this).attr("data-start");
        $(this).attr("data-start", parseInt($(this).attr("data-start")) + 6);
    all_start_array =  $that.attr("data-start");
    $that.attr("data-start",parseInt($that.attr("data-start")) + 9);

   method: "POST",
   url: "ajaxgalleries.html",
   data: { id: id, gallery_start: all_start_array,tpl: "realizationSingleItem"}
 }).done(function(data) {
  if(data == ""){
    $(".realize-items .ri-btn").addClass('na');
    console.log("skończyły się moje realizacje w wybranej kategorii ? O_o  Chcesz zobaczyć więcej skontaktój się ze mną !!!=) ");
  var $appendinfo = $(data);
  $grid.append( $appendinfo ).isotope( 'appended', $appendinfo );
  $grid.imagesLoaded( function() {
  $('.realize-itm').click(function(e) {

var contentFunction = function(event) {
  var href = $(event.currentTarget).attr("href");
    method: "POST",
    url: href,
  }).done(function(data) {
                //tut wpysuju kontainer w jakyj gruzyty treba
                $('.chrestyk').click(function() {

$(".realize-items .ri-btn").trigger("click");
if(window.location.hash == ""){
  var href = window.location.hash.replace("#","");
    if($(this).attr("data-gallerytitle") == href){


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1 answer(s)
akavato, 2018-03-26

1440 in width is displayed 4
if ( window.innerWidth < 1441 && window.innerWidth > 1370)
And where is more than 1441?

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