warchiefmarkus2015-10-05 14:23:53
warchiefmarkus, 2015-10-05 14:23:53

Who worked with AdMob in Qt (android)?

I would be grateful for information about working with AdMob in Qt for Android, preferably a working minimal example that loads ads. I myself collected articles from Habr, the example works, the latest google play services are standing, Androd SDK build tools are also updated, no errors, but ads do not load and something like admob error 0 in the console.

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3 answer(s)
Jacob E, 2015-10-05

Vitaly Petrov

Vitaly Petrov, 2015-10-05

Look here: habrahabr.ru/post/267275
Did you work on this article? I can explain the points that will not be clear.

infrapro, 2016-09-20

Try QtAdMob

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