cloudloud2018-06-30 12:31:53
cloudloud, 2018-06-30 12:31:53

Who Should Buy Hosting?

Good afternoon! The situation is this - the customer bought a domain for himself and wants the hosting to be bought on the same site. I don't have hosting for this site. Does it make sense for a customer to buy hosting for 10 sites, or do I need to do this and host other sites there in the future? Or persuade him to link the domain to my hosting? Who Should Buy Hosting?

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4 answer(s)
OnYourLips, 2018-06-30

Both of you are much more profitable, more reliable and safer if the owner of the project buys hosting.
You can only advise hosting, or reject its choice if it does not fit for some parameters.

ky0, 2018-06-30

How do you relate to the hosting of your customer's website? Will you pay for it in the future? Of course, everything must be issued to the owner of the domain - it does not matter, in one place or in different places. You also have fewer hemorrhoids.

Sanes, 2018-06-30

Let him buy on his own responsibility.

Foxcloud Foxcloud, 2020-06-04

It is safer for the customer if he buys hosting. Because if the customer, for some reason, wants to break the relationship with the developer / administrator, he must retain access to the site.
The developer/administrator can influence the choice of a hoster. If the developer/administrator is not satisfied with the host chosen by the customer, he warns about pitfalls and may refuse to work with the project.

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