Neron2018-04-28 22:47:56
Neron, 2018-04-28 22:47:56

Which Wordpress plugin should be installed to change the post editor?

I recently started a blog on wordpress.com, everything was great about it, except for the prices. Therefore, without thinking twice, I bought a domain, hosting and installed my copy of WP there. It's still nicer, except for the fucking text editor. On wp.com, it was exactly like telegra.ph or the new editor on LiveJournal, or the editor of VKontakte articles, well, in short, right now, there are a lot of places where such an editor is found.
WordPress version is 4.9.5. I don’t understand how to formulate a search query: the words write, post, editor are not what they need in the search. Is there a plugin at all that changes the interface for writing a post? Or maybe some kind of tricky setting somewhere?
Clarification: I need an editor like on the above sites, and not any other.

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1 answer(s)
Orkhan Hasanli, 2018-04-29

As I understand it, you need a simple text editor, like on LiveJournal or telegraph.
1) https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-front-end-editor/
2) Gutenberg editor -
https://ru.wordpress.org /plugins/gutenberg/
Information - https://wordpress.org/gutenberg/
3) it's not quite the same, but it's true, the most famous editor for the VI
4) https://wordpress.org/plugins/front-end-editor/

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