TimeCoder2016-04-12 17:49:16
TimeCoder, 2016-04-12 17:49:16

Which update and licensing system for a .net application should I choose?

Hello everyone,
we are talking about a desktop application in .net (let's say 4.5). The task is typical:
1. Deploy and updates (it is necessary that the program is installed with all dependencies, and updated when a new version is released).
2. Licensing, according to some scheme.
The first, apparently, is covered by ClickOnce, the second - I'm still looking in the direction of Rhino.Licensing, i.e. something free.
I don’t know yet whether it will be a trial, or a free version, and a pro version where a key is immediately needed. It implies a tight integration of the application with the web, it will also work offline, but maybe it's worth registering online?
Who has a similar experience, which one to choose? If cycling, then what are the pitfalls with safety?

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