Luis Ignascio2017-04-21 19:31:00
Luis Ignascio, 2017-04-21 19:31:00

What to study after 6 months of working on ASP.NET?

In general, for half a year I have been working as a programmer in a small company of 5 people at my first job. The main framework is ASP.NET MVC. I work with C#, JQuery, SQL, Entity Framework, LINQ, HTML/CSS, full stack in general. The project is a typical CRUD, accounting program for one enterprise. It is possible to realize the desires of the customer, although sometimes in a not very correct way, after which I redo it. A little more difficult when you need to implement some kind of algorithm, it does not always turn out beautifully. In my free time, I study documentation, books and articles on topics that I don't really understand. I also solve olympiad problems.
In general, there is no specific vector in which I should develop in order to increase my income and professional level. What do you suggest, what do you suggest?

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2 answer(s)
MrDywar Pichugin, 2017-04-21

1) Learn MVC 5, Web API 2, EF, GoF, SOLID https://metanit.com/sharp/
2) Watch 3 programmingwithmosh.com/become-a-full-stack-dot-ne...
courses 3) https://metanit.com/web/
4) Youtube Technostrim, course "Web technologies" lecturer - Dmitry Smal.
6 months is not enough.

OnYourLips, 2017-04-21

There is only one normal option: to change the company in order to get to a good team leader.

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