juffinhalli2013-12-20 10:44:27
juffinhalli, 2013-12-20 10:44:27

Which software to choose to replace TeamViewer?

Good afternoon!
Given: 250 computers in the organization. Domain.
Remotely connect to user desktops.
Principle of operation:
Turned on the system unit via WOL
Connected to the screen, keyboard, mouse.
Chose the user and you work.
TeamViewer considered - can't connect at login stage
Ammyy admin - keyboard glitches between different versions of Windows
Radmin - outdated, can't connect at login stage
Hardware solutions - expensive.
Please help me with advice in choosing such software

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7 answer(s)
Chromium58, 2013-12-20

Standard RDP can approach?

igatzila, 2013-12-20

dameware should fit

ilr1969, 2013-12-20

TeamViewer considered - it cannot connect at the login stage
. It connects to computers where the user is blocked - a standard splash screen, I enter the login password, it enters. True, I have it run as a service, automatically.

CrunchHru, 2013-12-20

litemanager.ru I can’t say for sure about the connection and user choice, I was interested in its connection system by ID and No-IP Server
, a very good solution

updatus, 2013-12-20

try IDEAL Remote

Vilos, 2013-12-20

We have a domain. There are about 300 computers.
Through GPO, VNC servers are distributed to all computers in the domain and tra-la-la.
The only negative at the implementation stage was chosen from all sorts of VNC is not the best - UltraVNC.
In principle, it works fine, but there is no native VNC Viwer for Linux ..... I'm on Debian, and the viewer has to be launched from under Wine ... a trifle but unpleasant.
Those specialists who sit on Windows have no problems at all.

Nikita, 2013-12-20

Radmin is outdated and can't connect at login stage? It seems to me that you are mistaken, it is precisely this that he does better than all those described above. Did you use version 3.5? Of course, from the point of view of other functionality, it is miserable. I myself would use LiteManager if it didn't connect for a very long time.

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