rechmp2014-07-23 10:44:01
rechmp, 2014-07-23 10:44:01

Which lightweight IDE to choose for php?

Tell me which IDE can be used to write very simple pages in html + php.
It is necessary for a person who is almost not familiar with php, the only requirement is error highlighting (so that he does not sit for half an hour with debugging because of an unclosed bracket or a missing ";").
It is desirable free, so that you can put it at work.
Thanks for the advice!

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8 answer(s)
Nazar Mokrinsky, 2014-07-23

If you want error highlighting - you need heavy artillery in the form of PhpStorm - it will definitely be easier there.
Lightweight IDE is a strange phrase.
Install the EAP version - it's free for 30 days, during this period a new version is usually released, sometimes more than one.

rdev, 2014-07-23

I like Komodo IDE lately
it has a free version of Komodo Edit

Snewer, 2014-07-23

phpDesigner. Excellent IDE

Ruslan, 2014-07-23

Another quick one I can recommend is sublime.
Himself using PhpStorm

slvABTOP, 2014-07-23

Do you really need an IDE or is an editor with syntax highlighting enough?

maxyc webber, 2014-07-23

for windows the best native can only be notepad++

Maxim, 2014-07-26

sublime text

Vasily minodvesP, 2014-09-02

1) I can recommend Geany (I love this IDE myself)
a. light, small
b. there is Russian
c. there is support for most well-known programming languages, incl. php
d. open source, and under Linux, and under Windows. ;)
2) I can also advise - a fairly powerful free Aptana Studio (link to Wikipedia, where you can read about the program. Off. Program site - aptana.com ).

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