Anton Shalin2021-06-08 01:20:45
Anton Shalin, 2021-06-08 01:20:45

Which laptop to choose under 70k?

Ladies and gentlemen, my respect. I was puzzled by the purchase of a laptop, the choice fell on the Honor Magicbook ( https://khabarovsk.rbt.ru/cat/komputery_i_orgtehni... ). But something I am tormented by doubts because of the process (I apologize, but I don’t really rummage in the gland). Do you think the model is OK? The laptop is needed to work in Figma / Adobe package. I'm not going to launch the top games, because I practically don't play. (maximum folych2 or dota2; and even that is extremely rare).
Can anyone suggest other models. Budget up to 70k (ideally 65k).
Thanks in advance to all who answer

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1 answer(s)
12rbah, 2021-06-08

iron is not particularly rummage
In such cases, you need to look at tests and reviews, if a specific game is needed, then Google your video and the name of the game, package, etc. In your case it looks like "amd radeon rx vega 10 dota 2/figma/photoshop". Now there is little chance to find a laptop with a normal vidyuha for such a price (and maybe not worth it). In general, Photoshop / Figma seems to have enough built-in graphics, so you can take this laptop or something similar. They advised you a macbook, I have nothing against them, but according to the reviews of friends who used poppies / not poppies, they say that you usually have to adjust other devices, such as tablet phones (there is good software integration between devices). Because for example poppy to make friends with android is not always easy. But of course you have to choose.

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