Elizabeth Lawrence2019-03-19 22:43:11
Network administration
Elizabeth Lawrence, 2019-03-19 22:43:11

Where to store photos for an online store if there are a lot of photos and not enough space on the server?

Hello everybody. I have a tiny online store with 40-50 visitors a day, now I have a regular shared hosting with 8 GB of disk space. I want to add 30 thousand products of the same type to the site, and they have a large amount of images, in general, it takes a lot of GB, and even my cms thumbnails for each will generate in several sizes, after all. On my hosting, additional GBs are quite expensive, are there any options where I can separately store images for my site at a bargain price?

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5 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2019-03-20

Just take a hosting where a lot of space is not expensive

Dimonchik, 2019-03-19


Andrew, 2019-03-19

Here, for example, https://selectel.ru/services/cloud/storage/
If, say, 30 thousand products take up 30GB of space and 30GB of traffic per month, then it will cost about 80 rubles per month

Oleg Gamega, 2016-12-04

Uri uriUrl = Uri.parse("https://toster.ru/q/376981"); 
Intent launchBrowser = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uriUrl);  

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