skilledHS2012-05-28 18:45:27
skilledHS, 2012-05-28 18:45:27

Where to store passwords?

Hey Habr!
Interested in the question - what program for storing passwords to choose and is it worth using them?

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6 answer(s)
DevMan, 2012-05-28

1Password, Keepass(x).
Personally, I feel uncomfortable without them - I don’t really want to remember passwords of 20+ characters. Plus, such programs can log in to sites themselves.

Sergey, 2012-05-28

Honorable Protector Yin said,
“Encryption is the exchange of a big secret for a small secret. A little secret must fit in the head. When the password is less secure in your head than in your computer, encryption is of no use.

Hint, 2012-05-28

Worth it if you have more than 5 passwords. I kept everything in my head for a long time, because I considered such programs useless. But when there were a lot of passwords, and even quite often I had to change some (different servers, databases, payment systems, various accounts, finally), I realized that I couldn’t do without a program. Chose KeePass. There are versions for iOS and Android that can work with DropBox.

@sledopit, 2012-05-28

And no one is paranoid that passwords are stored in someone else's craft?
IMHO, where it is better to store everything in an encrypted pgp file. It is somehow calmer.

Dragonizer, 2012-05-28

I chose KeePass and did not lose. The auto-typing function pleases - you don’t need any browser plugins or other crutches, just press the specified key combination, and KeePass determines which login / password you want from the window title and emulates its input from the keyboard.
The base can be synchronized via Dropbox. Available on mobile platforms.
Here, by the way, is last year's review of password managers .

Stanislav Fateev, 2012-05-29

If you are not too paranoid, then try storing passwords in your head, generating them using the same algorithm. For example: service_name + some_memorable_number . The problem is that if an attacker learns one password, then he will pick up all the others, the danger of this can be reduced by increasing the complexity of the algorithm.

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